
The United Presbyterian Church of Jamestown is geographically very close to the confluence of two rivers - to be precise, the Pipestem Creek and the James River.  The two different bodies of water become one river.   Similarly, different people with different gifts and backgrounds come together to worship and minster in the name of One - Jesus Christ.  Our mission is Sharing Christ’s Love Through Service.

We service the Presbytery of the Northern Plains by being a centrally located meeting place for committees and councils.  Our membership includes three past Presbytery Moderators - Bob Muhs, Bill Weispfenning and Sylvia Pringle. 

The University of Jamestown is located just a few blocks away from the church.  The United Presbyterian Church has a long history of supporting the University.  One of our active members, 102 year old Helen Hample, has been for many decades an employee of the university and continues to be one of its most avid supporters.  A number of current professors and students of UJ are members of our church.  Also we have members of our choir, ably directed by David Morlock, associated with UJ.

We are grateful to the Presbytery for their support of the PCUSA Dream grant of $10,000.00. The DREAM grant, now called our HERRB (Hospitality, Education, Relationship and Recognition Building) project addresses two issues: Anti-Human Trafficking and Hospitality and Relationship Building with Immigrants, Refugees, and University of Jamestown (UJ) International Students in the community.   We have accomplished the goal of getting the different agencies and other people involved in Anti- Human trafficking working together.  On a regular basis we host meetings that involve community members.  In regards to the hospitality and relationship building piece of the HERRB project came to be after a specific request for tutoring of Immigrants and refugees needing help with English as a second language.   We offer tutoring for young children and ESL for adults.

Our current staff includes Pastor Bob Boyar, David Morlock, Organist/ Choir Director, Administrative Assistant and Financial Secretary.  Our congregation members are all ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.