Sunday School

Sunday School classes are provided for ages 3-adult each Sunday at 9:00 AM





Wednesday Bible Study

Join us each Wednesday evening for a Bible study on Zoom at 6:00 PM. See Wednesday Evening Preview page for link.


Worship hours are

 Sunday School at 9:00 AM followed by Worship Service at 10:30 AM. 

Nursery is provided.

All are welcome! 

You may also join us on

YouTube at 10:30 AM.  






Join us for a Zoom Bible Study each Wednesday at 6:00 PM. Call the church office for zoom link at 252-1748 or see Wednesday Evening Service page under the About Us tab at the top of the homepage.


The Christian Education Department is looking for Sunday School teachers. If interested, please contact Jerome Zamgba at 267-481-2669.


Youth and children’s Bible Study will meet on Wednesday’s at 4:30 PM at the church.


Christmas Joy Offering will be taken during worship today. The Christmas Joy Offering provides assistance to current and retired church workers and their families in their time of need, and develops our future leaders at Presbyterian-related schools and colleges equipping communities of color.


Christmas Eve Service will be held on Tuesday, December 24 at 5:00 PM.


If you and/or your family would like to light the Advent candles during worship one Sunday in Advent, please contact the church office. Available date is December 24, Christmas Eve.


Poinsettias were purchased in memory of loved ones from the following people: Joe and Nancy Burgard in memory of Francis & Joan Bivens, Tom & Betty Burgard, and Henry Burgard; Jeff &Vickie Enger in memory of Einar & Rena Enger and Bill & Ellen Howard; Janet Holaday in memory of Sidney E. & Alberta B. Holaday; Russell D. Joos Trust in memory of Mrs. Martin Joos’ birthday-12/20/24; Janet Miller in memory of  Randy Miller; Jackie Tarpinian in memory of  Garabed & Aghazny Tarpinian, Mike Tarpinian, Grant Tarpinian, Jennifer Tarpinian, and Timothy Tarpinian; Kim Thoele in memory of Kevin Thoele; Bill Weispfenning in memory of Diane Weispfenning; and Clyde Young in memory of Kit Young.