Presbyterian Women
Presbyterian Women (PW) is an independent organization within the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) of more than 300,000 women. The programming and resource options for the organization offer a variety of ways for women to live out their faith in an inclusive, caring community. PW groups can choose to support the PW Purpose in any way, so PW groups may look very different from one synod to the next . . . or even one circle to the next within the same congregation!
Our missions is very simple, but very important
Forgiven and freed by God in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to nurture our faith through prayer and Bible study, to support the mission of the church worldwide, to work for justice and peace, and to build an inclusive, caring community of women that strengthens the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and witnesses to the promise of God’s kingdom.
PW Circles
Presbyterian Women Circles consist of the Faith and Hope Circles which meet the 4th Thursday of each month May-September studying lessons from the PW Horizons magazine. Hope Circle meets at the church in the parlor at 1:00 PM and the Faith Circle meets at the home of a member each month at 1:15 PM. You are welcome to attend the group of your choice.
PW also hosts birthday parties at Eventide, Ave Maria, and Rock of Ages nursing homes providing treats and fellowship for the residents. On a local level they contribute to the Salvation Army, Youth for Christ and the Bdecan Presbyterian Church and provide scholarships for youth that would like to attend summer camps made available to them through the presbytery.
Presbyterian Women have had a busy spring. On April 29 four of our members attended the Spring Gathering of Presbyterian Women in the Presbytery in Moorhead, MN bringing supplies to contribute to the Ronald McDonald House, and hearing inspired speakers.
Our annual mission pledge of $600.00 has been paid and the Hunger Funds, collected each month have been sent in. We also voted to give $250.00 to S.A.F.E. Shelter for their building project of Mary's House. Our activities and budget are reported in the church's annual report in January. Our budget is completely separate from the church budget. We call it "second mile giving." Our "first mile giving" is what we all pledge to the UPC. All of our gifts, (except those to local projects and charities) are sent by our Treasurer, Yvonne Wegner to the treasurer of the Presbyterian Women in the Presbytery.
All women of the church are encouraged to participate in, or be supportive of Presbyterian Women in any way.
Link to Presbyterian Women National website: http://pma.pcusa.org/ministries/pw/